2005 Archives

Browse by date
November 2005 (2)
October 2005 (1)
September 2005 (2)
August 2005 (9)
July 2005 (4)

Browse by entry
2005/11 - things I did not know ... - linux
2005/11 - meme time - fun
2005/10 - sweet toys of mine - life
2005/09 - another notes story. - rant
2005/09 - progress on kernel updates - debian
2005/08 - exim4.conf for *.debian.org II - debian
2005/08 - exim4.conf for *.debian.org - debian
2005/08 - blacklisted by google - www
2005/08 - weather - misc
2005/08 - I see, it is that time of the release-cycle, darling - debian
2005/08 - limits of vserver - linux
2005/08 - building mozilla - debian
2005/08 - rebound - reading
2005/08 - Replacements for Aubrey/Maturin? - reading
2005/07 - msd ranking improval delayed. - misc
2005/07 - introducing useless features - rant
2005/07 - Please wait ... - life
2005/07 - Give the fad a chance - debian